Go Kart Club of South Australia

Establishment at 3711 Old Princes Highway, Rocky Gully, SA 5254, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Go Kart Club of South Australia: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information


3711 Old Princes Highway
Rocky Gully
SA 5254
Get directions

+61 421 278 991


Opening hours

Sunday 08:00am — 06:00pm
Monday 08:00am — 06:00pm
Tuesday 08:00am — 06:00pm
Wednesday 08:00am — 06:00pm
Thursday 08:00am — 06:00pm
Friday 08:00am — 06:00pm
Saturday 08:00am — 06:00pm


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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Go Kart Club of South Australia

The phone number for Go Kart Club of South Australia is +61 421 278 991.

2. Where is Go Kart Club of South Australia located?

Go Kart Club of South Australia is located at 3711 Old Princes Highway Rocky Gully, SA 5254.

3. Is there a primary contact for Go Kart Club of South Australia

You can contact Go Kart Club of South Australia by phone using number +61 421 278 991.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Go Kart Club of South Australia

The website for Go Kart Club of South Australia is gokartclubofsa.com.

About gokartclubofsa.com

The Go Kart Club of South Australia | 3711 Old Princess Hwy Monarto SA/gkcsa/ go kart racing
Welcome to The Go Kart Club of South Australia   All race meetings are free entry to spectators so bring the family and check out the excitement, spectacle and adrenaline rush of Go Kart Racing at South Australia`s largest Karting Complex. We`d love to see you there ! Become a member and enjoy this award winning club…

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Today's weather in Rocky Gully SA

19:00 26 1010 hPa 17 % 3 m/s 22:00 24 1010 hPa 21 % 3 m/s

Tomorrow's weather in Rocky Gully SA

01:00 25 1009 hPa 21 % 4 m/s 04:00 22 1008 hPa 43 % 4 m/s 07:00 24 1009 hPa 46 % 5 m/s 10:00 27 1011 hPa 42 % 10 m/s 13:00 23 1011 hPa 65 % 6 m/s 16:00 24 1010 hPa 58 % 5 m/s 19:00 20 1013 hPa 87 % 5 m/s 22:00 19 1015 hPa 85 % 5 m/s

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